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  MISC              Miscellaneous clarification/anomalies.                 ~

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  a) CL.BAT (Support Bulletin S50004.TXT)
     This batch file was not supplied with Clipper 5.0.
     Here are the intended contents:

      CLIPPER %1
      RTLINK FI %1

  b) NDX File Support ( Card contained with Clipper 5.0 )
     You must request this feature from Nantucket(r). Not available
     as of late November.

  c) SETBLINK(), SETMODE() (NG Function Descriptions)
     These are environmental or screen attributes; hence, they may
     change the full screen when invoked. SETMODE() should be followed
     by a CLS or CLEAR SCREEN. You may want to save the screen before
     invoking either of these functions.

  d) MEMVARBLOCK() (NG Function Description)
     MEMVARBLOCK() cannot be used to create set-get blocks for LOCAL
     or STATIC variables.

  e) A 'splash of color' may remain at 0, 65 after using SETCOLOR()
     and GET. This can be eliminated by SET SCOREBOARD OFF.

  f) Code block parameter visibility - documentation anomaly.
     Page 1-21 of the Clipper 5 Reference, last sentence, 2nd paragraph
     reads: "....a declaration that occurs within a code block (a block
     parameter), applies to that code block and any code blocks nested
     within it.". The block parameter IS NOT visible to nested code blocks,
     unless you pass it.

  g) In certain incidences, terminating a macro expression with a period,
      '.', does not work; e.g.,
        FUNCTION IndexFile(cKey, cIndexName)
           INDEX ON &cKey. TO (cIndexName)
           RETURN (NIL)
     Result: Compiler "Error C2081 Macro of declared symbol: '&cKey.'

  h) Menu.prg example on page 1-2 of the Reference Manual has as its
     first line '#include "Database.prg" ...'. This directive should
     be placed at the end of the program (it includes generic database

  i) Cursor anomalies. Try using SET CLIPPER=CGACURS if you are
     experiencing cursor anomalies. Reference: NG Environment.

  j) Re-direction. Clipper 5.0 does not accept command line parameters
     re-directed from a text file; e.g.  CLIPPROG  < TEXTFILE.

  k) Internal Error Numbers are not documented.

  l) STATIC arrays. Documentation anomaly, pg. 1-57. Contrary to the
     documentation, STATIC arrays are also dynamic.

  m) The following program results in a run-time error because x was not
     initialized; however, the error message, "Error BASE/1087  Argument
     error: -- " should reference ++ instead.

              function main
              local x
              return nil

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